Carpal Tunnel Surgery

This is a service for patients whose GP feels they would benefit from surgery in order to alleviate the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is a relatively common condition which occurs when the median nerve is compressed at the point where it passes through the carpal tunnel (the space located between a ligament across the front of the wrist and eight carpal bones in the wrist).

Your GP will usually consider non-surgical treatment – such as wrist splints or an injection – before referring you for surgery. If these do not help or your symptoms are severe then surgery may be appropriate.

Once referred to the service you will be assessed by a Physiotherapist and have a diagnostic test (Nerve Conduction Studies). Depending on the result of this you may be recommended for surgery.

The clinical team members are:

Mr Rashpal Bassi – Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

Emma Cooper – Physiotherapist

The service is available at Macclesfield Health Hub at Waters Green Medical Centre, which has high quality facilities appropriate for this type of surgery.

Patients who have been referred into the service by their GP can contact the service by calling 01625 264008 or email